If you are a Paloma Lakes resident and have not registered on our community website, please do. Proof of residency is required.
New registrations are processed once per month, and will receive approval at the monthly HOA Board Meetings. As a registered user you will be able to access all of the information within the Residents section.
To register, simply click on the Register link that is above the Welcome banner on the top left hand side of this page. From the registration page, carefully fill out the required information, and then click on the Submit button. Once submitted, you will receive an email* with your username and password.
When you have received your username and password, click on the Login link located in the top left hand side of this page. Upon entering your username and password, you will have access to all of the information within the Residents section of this website.
* Please note that your registration email information will be sent from our website account - - Please ensure that this address is not blocked by your email application as spam or junk mail.